
Seminar Hall
Seminar Hall

Seminar Hall

A seminar hall and conference room are available with a capacity of 120 and 20, respectively, to conduct National and International level Seminars, Conference’sguest lectures and workshops and also staff meetings.

Volleyball Court

Catering to the needs of the sports of students the college has a Vollyball court as per the standards. Students are given ample support & time for practice. 

Volleyball Court
Volleyball Court
Class Rooms
Class Rooms

Class Rooms & Tutorial Room

College has sufficient class rooms and tutorial rooms to conduct regular tutorial classes and to conduct remedial classes for students having backlogs. All class rooms are of sizes more than or equal to 66 with adequate numbers of benches that can accommodate around 80 students in each classroom. Every class room is well ventilated with green board, fans, tube lights, podium, CCTV, Wi-Fi and uninterrupted power supply.


A large and comfortable canteen Equipped with all the necessary kitchen facilities is available to students and staff. Also, the canteen is used by students for entertaining activities during their free time. It is a friendly place for students to get acquainted and meet with other students and faculty between and after classes. The canteen is also used by students for many of their parties and other social events.


Lift Facility

Lift is provided to the staff and  students.


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